Friday, December 18, 2009

Feeling Old

I have moved on to that next stage of life. I have been having a difficult time finding jeans that fit me. I normally shop in the "juniors" section, but lately all the jeans are cut really low and with running after little ones, I don't want to expose things. So, a few days ago I decided to look in the "misses" section and I found a perfect pair of jeans (that don't look like mom jeans). I was so happy to find a pair of jeans that fit well and yet so sad that I now have moved on to the "misses" section. I just keep reminding myself of what Stacy and Clinton say on "What Not to Wear" .....that you have to find clothes that fit you well, not worrying about what section or what size they are. However, I can't help but be sad..... it's a reminder that I am aging.
To make matters worse, I went to the grocery store (without the kiddos) to buy rum for my homemade German Chocolate Cake. The lady did not card me!!! She asked me my age (I had to think for a minute because I have kind of lost track) and she believed me. I asked her if she wanted to see my ID and she said "No." (This was the day after the "jeans" incident) I was so sad....this is the very first time someone has not carded me. I think I am all sensitive about this age thing because my Birthday is next week. I usually don't think much about my age, but my birthday is coming so I can't help it.
I will be posting more stuff soon. I just finished editing some of my pictures from the Photography workshop I went to this last weekend (It was amazing!).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Decorating

It has been a long tradition in this family to start decorating the day after Thanksgiving. We always start by purchasing our Christmas tree. The tree is a "BIG" deal to my husband. There are a few rules: 1) It has to be a real tree 2) The bigger the better. It's heresy to even consider a "fake" tree. It's not just my husband...his dad... brothers....everyone feels this way. Honestly, I find it endearing that he is so passionate about the tree every year. This year he had to reconsider rule #2 because we moved to a new house that does not have tall ceilings. He was a little first...until we got home and he realized that he did not have to take out the huge latter to decorate it :)
This is what Corban did before I took the picture above:

Watching Daddy:

This one is probably my favorite...Corban is mesmerized by the lights: Kaylee pointing at the star:
More Christmas decorations up:

Later on that night....

The night ended with Kaylee and Daddy watching the fire:
I still have not finished shopping....there is always something to do :) I hope you all are enjoying the Christmas season :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Baby Jillian

I love babies!!! They are so precious and amazing! This is baby Jillian. I was so blessed to be able to do her mom's maternity pictures (You can see those pictures in the September archive). Here are the pictures after she finally arrived. She was only 10 days old when these were taken.

The four above were some of my favorites...especially the first picture of her little foot.

In Color....
Black and White....I love how you can get a different feel just by changing the pic to black and white.

Thanks Gina for letting me capture these precious moments :)
When it comes to photography, I still feel I have so much to I will be attending a baby posing workshop in a few weeks...I will be posting those pictures sometime this month.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Thanksgiving...yum, yum, yum...above is my sister Steph's first turkey.
Steph is trying to get my Kaylee to help out...but no luck she had other things in mind..... playdough
her priceless expression
playing and having fun
My favorite husband enjoying Corban's cuddles
Kaylee and Corban playing together
My little sis Alicia and I
Alicia and her boyfriend Sean
I like this picture because it captures all three of the boys (or men)
Kaylee watching Uncle Brian carve the turkey
Grandpa teaching Kaylee to use a camera
Grandpa and Kaylee
Steph and Brian

Kaylee and Aunt Steph
My sweet Kaylee who was obsessed with this flower my dad gave her...she had it all day :)

My sisters first Thanksgiving was great! I hope you all enjoyed your families and the holiday :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Last month was crazy for me. My grandma was in the hospital and under went risky surgery (She is doing better, but is still in the hospital recovering), the kids and myself were sick for the whole month of October, Corban got his helmet, and my mom moved in with us. We have been pretty house bound, but we did have some fun with bubbles :)

I love this first picture of seems to capture the goodness of childhood.

Corban is always trying to figure out how things work...I love it :)